That’s over 10 million children in America alone, according to Jane Ross, founder and executive director of Smart Kids with Learning Disabilities, a national organization focused on helping parents navigate parenting with kids that learn differently than the so-called norm.

We’re in the middle of helping Jane revamp her website and putting together some informational and awareness building videos for Smart Kids with Learning Disabilities.

I’m working with Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist Matt Davies and Grammy winners, Omar Hakim and Rachel Z. Chris Brown, an animator is also part of the team.

It was fascinating working with the Smart Kids board to distill down into simple language, compelling messages that address all of the many nuances facing parents that have kids with learning disabilities. Not all disabilities pose the same challenges, but in a one-minute video, the challenge is to find the common ground that all parents face. That’s also the opportunity.

We’ll be debuting the new site and video in April, but look for a sneak preview March 7, a day of giving here in Fairfield County.